It is a comprehensive set of accessible tools and accessories required for doing tactile geometry constructions on a standard Braille Paper by students with visual impairment.
It includes the following:
1. Tactile Slate - on which tactile drawings would be made
2. Point Markers - to mark the Points
3. Line Markers - to draw Line and Line Segments
4. Ruler - to draw and measure Distances
5. Protractor - to draw and measure Angles
6. Set Square frame - to draw most-used angles
(30°, 60° and 90°) without using protractor
7. Wheels and Arcs - stencils to draw Circles and Arcs of specific radius (in lieu of Compass)
8. Tactile Stylus - for creating embossed impressions on the braille paper
9. GEOMKIT comes in a Box that fits in a school bag - thus is easy to carry
With GEOMKIT, a student with visual impairment can easily create a vast range of Geometrical constructions. It is tested for all the geometrical constructions as per NCERT Class 6 to 10 syllabus.